WIN Partners with CCGP on HUB 712 Location

23 Jun 2023
Breda, IA (June 23, 2023) – Western Iowa Networks (WIN) has partnered with Carroll County Growth Partnership (CCGP) on providing for a location for HUB 712. CCGP began the process of creating HUB 712 in 2022 and earlier this year was awarded a $200,000 grant from Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA). HUB 712 will provide resources to entrepreneurs and small business owners for business startups, expansion, exit strategy, and tech innovation. In addition, HUB 712 will also provide co-working space, educational opportunities, and collaboration spaces. Kimberly Tiefenthaler, Executive Director of CCGP stated, “It is an honor and we feel very privileged to be able to partner with such a respected and forward thinking company. The location that WIN will provide us is perfect for this initiative and it wouldn’t be possible without them.”
WIN partnership with HUB 712 will provide a location at their building on 603 North Adams Street in Carroll. This location is in the heart of Carroll and its downtown business district. WIN CEO Jeff Roiland said, “This location is close to downtown and is a perfect spot for creative minds and ideas to flourish.” WIN will maintain ownership of the building and naming rights to the location, which will be called, “W Innovation Center” where HUB 712 will reside. The building will be leased from WIN to CCGP at a reduced rate as WIN’s part in support of this project. “This is just our way of helping to promote business, not only in Carroll, but the surrounding area as well,” said Roiland.
HUB 712 will not only service entrepreneurs and small business owners throughout Carroll County, but the adjacent 7 counties as well. “This center can be used by entrepreneurs in an eight-county area so we hope it will have quite a reach. As part of WIN’s contribution to this initiative, we thought it would be appropriate to name the building as the Innovation Center,” added Roiland. “We’ve gotten a lot of traction for this project because it’s a regional center serving not only Carroll County but the counties we touch. If a business owner, entrepreneur, or student from Sac County, for example, needs a service that is provided by HUB 712, our mission is to assist them and refer them to the best resource partner according to their needs,” added Tiefenthaler.
This location was previously WIN’s Carroll retail space before their Operations Center was completed. “When you look at the layout of a space, and the needs that go in to co-working, collaboration, and innovation, you can only dream of coming across a space such as this because it is as close to perfect as you can imagine. We are set with such a great foundation in this space and with a few updates it will be ready to go,” added Tiefenthaler. The building is comprised of a board room, multiple offices, cubical/desk working space, and much more.
“This building had not yet sold and we thought this would be the perfect location for the center and were happy to help out in this way,” explained Roiland.
HUB 712 will include assistance for entrepreneurs in office space, cubicles, collaboration space, and meeting rooms. In addition, resource partnerships with Iowa’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC), Rural Business Innovator, UNI’s Advance Iowa, Rural Ideas Network, and more will be key to HUB 712’s success. These partnerships will bring resources from across the state to HUB 712 giving business owners, entrepreneurs, and students immediate access. Tiefenthaler states, “If you look at the State of Iowa and where all the strong entrepreneurial centers and resources exist, they are all in the middle of the state and east in mostly urban areas.”
“Carroll has always been a regional hub—HUB 712 is just one more way we can continue to grow our regional presence,” stated Tiefenthaler. While there is no exact timeline for opening yet, the plan is for a soft online presence to be available this fall and the building ready by the beginning of 2024.
About Western Iowa Networks: Breda Telephone Corp. d.b.a. Western Iowa Networks (WIN) is a leading communications company based in Breda, IA. We are one of western Iowa’s largest independent telephone companies, and one of the area’s most diverse service provider.
WIN was founded in 1905 as Breda Telephone Company and today provides, telephone, Internet, cellular, cable, and more complementary services to customers across Western and Southwestern Iowa; including Arcadia, Auburn, Breda, Carroll, Council Bluffs, Denison, Farragut, Glenwood, Glidden, Lidderdale, Macedonia, Malvern, Maple River, Mineola, Mount Carmel, Pacific Junction, Silver City, Treynor, Vail, and Westside.
About Carroll County Growth Partnership: Carroll Area Development Corporation d.b.a. Carroll County Growth Partnership (CCGP) provides economic development services throughout Carroll County. CCGP works to provide support to existing industry base, assists in the establishment of new industry, and works to enhance area quality of place for residents and businesses throughout Carroll County, IA.
The CCGP board and staff are recognized throughout the Midwest for bold, future-oriented and politically astute commitment to economic and community development in Carroll County. CCGP serves as a catalyst and leading resource for growing new and existing industry, while embracing its hard earned reputation as a collaborator, advocate, and consensus builder on behalf of county businesses and residents.
For more information contact:
- Kimberly Tiefenthaler, Executive Director
- Carroll County Growth Partnership
- 712-792-4383
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