Legislative Priorities

2022 Legislative Priorities

Carroll County Growth Partnership (CCGP) provides support to the existing industry base, assists in the establishment of new industry and works to enhance the area quality of place for residents and businesses throughout Carroll County, IA. The CCGP board and staff are recognized throughout the Midwest for having a bold, future-oriented, and politically astute commitment to economic and community development in Carroll County. CCGP serves as a catalyst and leading resource for growing new and existing business and industry, while embracing its hard earned reputation as a collaborator, advocate, and consiensus builder on behalf of county businesses and residents.

CCGP believes that the federal, state, and local government play an important role in the economic and community development of rural Iowa. The policy put forth sets the stage on business development, small business growth and employment throughout Iowa. CCGP believes that the role it plays in representing Carroll County on such policy issues gives them a voice and opportunity to have a seat at the table to influence legislation that is conducive to advancing priorities for economic and community development.

CCGP appreciates the opportunity to work with the Governor, General Assembly, state an federal agencies, and local government to accomplish mutually beneficial legislative goals and objectives for the economic betterment of Iowa.

Legislative Priorities



Education and Childcare

Invest in Quality Education

We support investing in all forms of education to prepare Carroll County’s youth for the jobs of today and tomorrow. Our youth is our future and the investment in which we make can directly affect it as such.

Education and Childcare at a Glance

  • Invest in quality education system, from early childhood to post-secondary
  • Innovation to address the fundamental flaws of Iowa's childcare system

Rural Education

CCGP supports innovative ideas to helping rural school district be more competitive financially to find educators. Currently, those teaching in the metro are make almost double what those in rural Iowa are able to afford. Finding good educator is important for our youth and the investment in rural Iowa.

Invest in Iowa's Infrastructure

Invest in Iowa's Infrastructure at a Glance

  • Continue investment in Iowa's water quality and existing infrastructure
  • Develop innovative and diverse funding mechanisms for Iowa's transportation infrastructure
  • Completion of a 4-Lane Highway 30
  • Sustain the state's investment in broadband expansion to meet the needs of businesses, remote workers, students, and telehealth until 100% of Iowa can connect
  • Invest in Iowa's locks and dam systems

Iowa's Locks and Dams

Iowa exports livestock, grain, manufacturing products and much more. Most of which is done through or lock and dams along the Mississippi River. Many of these have not had the proper maintenance over the years and were put in during the 1930s. We support the investment in these locks and dams so nothing hampers to slow the export of Iowa’s goods.


We support the completion of broadband connectivity throughout Iowa and Carroll County. Broadband is important for our economy, jobs, telehealth, and education. When considering quality of life/place making, broadband is a top priority and should be a program that is seen through to completion.

4-Lane Highway 30

CCGP supports the completion of 4-lane Highway 30, specifically from Carroll to Ogden. 4-lane highways allow us to fill the criteria of certified sites, grow our opportunity for major employers, and helps with the economic input/output of Carroll County.

Fair and Responsible Tax Reform

Fair and Responsible Tax Reform at a Glance

  • Support tax policies that invest the quality of life/place making, economic growth, and infrastructure
  • Make Iowa's tax system more competitive while reataining provisions that encourage economic growth and job creation. Any tax reform should lower rates and simplify compliance for the broadest possible spectrum of businsess taxpayers
  • Showcase the return on investment of Iowa's tax credits and potential tax reform
  • Make Iowa the most attractive state for the workforce of tomorrow

Tax Reform

CCGP supports tax policies that invest in the quality of life/place making, economic growth, and infrastructure. Iowa tax system should support all of these investments while maintaining/striving for simplicity and fairness for all. Tax incentives to support business recruitment, growth, and retention shall be pursued and shown the return on investment. We support any tax policy that makes Iowa the most attractive state for the workforce of tomorrow.

Quality of Life/Place

Quality of Life at a Glance

  • Boldly invest in creative place making and quality of life/place initiative
  • Grow Iowa's population by investing in programs such as student loan repayment tax credits, childcare, and other forms of assistance


CCGP supports incentives from the state and local level to create and grow housing for all income levels. Housing is important for business recruitment, business expansion and workforce.

Student Loan Repayment Tax Credit

Iowa allows for the same student loan interest deduction that is allowed on your federal 1040. Protecting this tax deduction, if not increasing it, can help attract people to come live in Iowa. We support programs like these that give Iowa and Carroll County an advantage over other states that do not offer the same benefit.

Workforce Recruitment and Retention

Workforce Recruitment and Retention at a Glance

  • Continued funding of Last Dollar Scholarship, the Employer Innovation Fund, Earn & Learn Programs, Child Care Challenge Grants, and Future Ready Iowa
  • Growing Iowa's jobs training and apprenticeship programs and partnering with Iowa's community colleges and IEDA to efficiently deploy through the state
  • Protect Iowa as a Right-to-Work state

Childcare Grants

Carroll County has 38 licensed or registered childcare centers and still has a shortage. Proper and sufficient childcare is not only important for the well-being and safety of our County’s youth, but also supports workforce and economic growth. Childcare availability is a top need and priority for Iowa’s workforce and we support any programs that can grow childcare throughout the county to help with our workforce.

Earn and Learn Programs

The Earn and Learn Program supports registered apprenticeships throughout the state. It allows individuals to find a perfect career fit, learn, and earn money. This program reduces college debt and supports those who are looking to be successful in their technical degree program. Carroll County is fortunate to have DMACC in Carroll that can help with training and putting individuals in successful career paths.

Employer Innovation Fund

The Future Ready Iowa Employer Innovation fund is a grant opportunity for partners to carry out creative solution that address local workforce issues. It encourages employers and community leaders throughout Carroll County to be creative on solutions that address workforce. They can lead on developing regional workforce talent pools, promote credit and non-credit training, and any other innovative ways to help Carroll County achieve their training and educational goals/needs. In 2022, St. Anthony Regional Hospital received $19,500 from this fund.

Last Dollar Scholarship

This program closes the tuition gap remaining after federal/state grants, tuition and qualified fees. DMACC in Carroll is a recipient of this program which helps put students in programs that are needed for jobs around Carroll County.

Economic Development Environment

Economic Development Environment at a Glance

  • Protect tax credits and economic development assistance tools and programs demonstrating a positive ROI to ensure they are fully funded and supported
  • Sustain funding to Brownfield/Grayfield Program to reinvest in local communities
  • Sustain the Workforce Housing Tax Credit Program to address Iowa's housing crises
  • Defend Tax Increment Financing (TIF) and be a leader in educating partners and stakeholders of the importance such tools play in supporting rural development
  • Accelerate broadband expansion and be a champion for all aspects of Empower Rural Iowa

Iowa Tax Credits

Tax credits are used every year by individuals, businesses, non-profits and others to put themselves in a better financial position than they would be without. Without tax credits, the incentive to give to foundations, nonprofits, churches, schools, etc. would likely decrease and leave these notable organizations with fewer funds. Tax credits help organizations, the individual, and Iowa as a whole, stimulate the economy. We support maintaining Iowa tax credits for individuals, businesses, organizations and more.

Empower Rural Iowa

The Governor’s Empower Rural Iowa Program focuses on connecting, supporting, and growing rural Iowa. This program has allocated money to support agriculture, broadband connectivity, investment in workforce housing, and grant money for community growth and vision. All of these programs put rural Iowa in a more competitive position.

Tax Increment Financing (TIF)

TIF is a proven, invaluable tool for attracting new jobs and capital investment, increasing competitiveness, and spurring development. TIF must be retained and protected as an economic development tool. We support maintaining TIF as is.

Iowa Workforce Housing Tax Credits

Finding workforce and creating housing in rural Iowa is difficult enough on its own. A tax credit, which is available for the 88-least populated counties, helps Carroll County be more competitive with our more populated counties in Iowa. Workforce Housing Tax Credits is a program used often in Carroll County and can award up to $1 million per projects.


The Iowa Redevelopment Tax Credit Program is an economic development tool that has led to renovation and redevelopment of sites across Carroll County and Iowa. Every dollar in the program leverages more money in owner equity investment, making it one of the most effective tax incentive programs in Iowa. Previously, Carroll County has received $0.70 per capita on these projects. We support an increase in funding to meet the growing needs.