Board Member Profile: Paul Milligan, Commercial Savings Bank
12 Nov 2020
Q1. Why do you believe in the Carroll Area Development Corporation?
In any community it is necessary to have some type of a central organization that businesses can depend on to help find opportunities for them to succeed. CADC is a mixture of Carroll County business leaders who together make our community a better place to live and work. It is critical for small towns and rural communities to band together and focus on the future. We have to continue building a successful and robust business community, and be prepared for future developments and opportunities that will keep our region prosperous.
Q2. Why did you want to serve on the Board of Directors for CADC?
I enjoy giving back to Carroll some of the opportunities that my business has received and help others succeed. I love being able to be part of the decision making process or at least have a voice regarding changes or issues in the community. Our decisions and ideas will not only have an impact today, but hopefully long into the future.
Q3. Why do you love to live and work in Carroll County?
Carroll is a place where your customers are your friends and neighbors. The community becomes an extension of your family. It is a place where you can make a difference and be involved. My wife and I enjoyed raising our sons here and the excellent education they received. We are also fortunate to have the ability to have a legacy business continue with my sons as the 4th generation and I look forward to the opportunities my grandchildren will have too.
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