Halbur, Iowa
The town of Halbur, Iowa, was named after Anton Halbur who donated the forty acres of land for the town in 1882. Anton Halbur purchased the land in 1880 for $1.00 an acre from a resident of Old Carrollton.
Halbur is nestled in SW Carroll County off the banks of Brushy Creek and was established in part due to the southwestern railroad like of years past. Halbur is surrounded by the vast corn and bean fields of Western Iowa as well as the Halbur Ridge Wild Life Area.
Halbur City Hall
238 W 2nd St, PO Box 32
Halbur, IA 51444
Phone - 712-658-2033
Email: - cityofhalbur@iowatelecom.net
Website - www.halburiowa.com​
Facebook - www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064454723330
Mayor - Bryan Wittrock
City Clerk - Cathy Williams
Major Employers
- Halbur Enterprises
- Rotert Construction
- Landus Cooperative
Population | 2000 | 2010 | 2024 | 2029 |
Halbur | 202 | 246 | 222 | 221 |
Source: ESRI, 2024-09-13
Back To TopIncome
Halbur | 2024 | 2029 |
Median Household | $73,040 | $80,567 |
Average Household | $93,152 | $108,034 |
Per Capita | $38,603 | $44,973 |
Source: ESRI, 2024-09-13
Back To TopBusinesses
Businesses by NAICS
Category | Number |
Total Businesses | 20 |
Agr/Forestry/Fish/Hunt Bus | 0 |
Mining Bus | 0 |
Utilities Bus | 0 |
Construction Bus | 4 |
Manufacturing Bus | 0 |
Wholesale Trade Bus | 2 |
Retail Trade Bus | 3 |
Motor Veh/Parts Dealers Bus | 0 |
Furn & Home Furnish Str Bus | 0 |
Electronics & Appl Store Bus | 1 |
Bldg Matl/Garden Equip Bus | 1 |
Food & Beverage Stores Bus | 0 |
Health/Pers Care Stores Bus | 0 |
Gasoline Stations Bus | 1 |
Clothing/Accessory Store Bus | 0 |
Sports/Hobby/Book/Music Bus | 0 |
General Merchandise Str Bus | 0 |
Transportation/Warehouse Bus | 1 |
Information Bus | 0 |
Finance & Insurance Bus | 1 |
Cntrl Bank/Crdt Intrmdtn Bus | 1 |
Sec/Cmdty Cntrct/Oth Inv Bus | 0 |
Insur/Funds/Trusts/Other Bus | 0 |
Real Estate/Rent/Leasing Bus | 1 |
Prof/Scientific/Tech Srv Bus | 0 |
Legal Services Bus | 0 |
Mgmt of Comp/Enterprises Bus | 0 |
Admin/Support/Waste Mgmt Bus | 0 |
Educational Services Bus | 0 |
HealthCare/Social Assist Bus | 0 |
Arts/Entertainment/Rec Bus | 0 |
Accommodation/Food Srvcs Bus | 0 |
Accommodation Bus | 0 |
Food Srv/Drinking Places Bus | 0 |
Other Srv excl Pub Admin Bus | 5 |
Auto Repair/Maintenance Bus | 2 |
Public Administration Bus | 2 |
Source: ESRI, 2024-09-13
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