Coon Rapids
Coon Rapids, Iowa
About Coon Rapids, Iowa
In Coon Rapids, quality of life can be found in delightful places: in a neighbor's smile, along the miles of hiking and biking trails, and deep within the culture of inclusiveness that is uniquely Coon Rapids. Iowans are known for their welcoming spirit, their sense of instant community, and a willingness to help neighbors and strangers alike in times of need. This spirit is woven into the rich social fabric of the community of Coon Rapids.
Coon Rapids City Hall
123 3rd Ave S
Coon Rapids, IA 50058
Phone - 712-999-7749
Email -
Website -
Facebook -
Mayor - Jeff Anthofer
City Clerk - Jesica Leighty
Community Coordinator - Katie Mason
Coon Rapids Development Group
Contact Person - Katie Mason
Email -
Major Employers
- E.T. Video
- Hartung
- Thomas Rest Haven
- CR-B Schools
Housing Initiatives
- Residential Building Incentive Program: Receive $10,000 and 10 year tax abatement towards construction of a new home in Coon Rapids, Iowa. Contact Jesica Leighty for more information.
Population | 2000 | 2010 | 2024 | 2029 |
Coon Rapids | 1,305 | 1,305 | 1,275 | 1,259 |
Source: ESRI, 2024-09-13
Back To TopHousing
Population | 2000 | 2010 | 2024 | 2029 |
Households | 543 | 550 | 546 | 550 |
Housing Units | 571 | 613 | 608 | 609 |
Owner Occupied Units | 438 | 445 | ||
Renter Occupied Units | 108 | 105 | ||
Vacant Units | 62 | 59 |
Source: ESRI, 2024-09-13
Back To TopIncome
Coon Rapids | 2024 | 2029 |
Median Household | $65,885 | $74,687 |
Average Household | $76,697 | $86,411 |
Per Capita | $32,892 | $37,797 |
Source: ESRI, 2024-09-13
Back To TopBusinesses
Businesses by NAICS
Category | Number |
Total Businesses | 76 |
Agr/Forestry/Fish/Hunt Bus | 3 |
Mining Bus | 0 |
Utilities Bus | 0 |
Construction Bus | 5 |
Manufacturing Bus | 0 |
Wholesale Trade Bus | 5 |
Retail Trade Bus | 9 |
Motor Veh/Parts Dealers Bus | 2 |
Furn & Home Furnish Str Bus | 0 |
Electronics & Appl Store Bus | 0 |
Bldg Matl/Garden Equip Bus | 1 |
Food & Beverage Stores Bus | 2 |
Health/Pers Care Stores Bus | 1 |
Gasoline Stations Bus | 0 |
Clothing/Accessory Store Bus | 0 |
Sports/Hobby/Book/Music Bus | 2 |
General Merchandise Str Bus | 1 |
Transportation/Warehouse Bus | 1 |
Information Bus | 2 |
Finance & Insurance Bus | 5 |
Cntrl Bank/Crdt Intrmdtn Bus | 2 |
Sec/Cmdty Cntrct/Oth Inv Bus | 0 |
Insur/Funds/Trusts/Other Bus | 3 |
Real Estate/Rent/Leasing Bus | 1 |
Prof/Scientific/Tech Srv Bus | 2 |
Legal Services Bus | 0 |
Mgmt of Comp/Enterprises Bus | 0 |
Admin/Support/Waste Mgmt Bus | 1 |
Educational Services Bus | 3 |
HealthCare/Social Assist Bus | 9 |
Arts/Entertainment/Rec Bus | 4 |
Accommodation/Food Srvcs Bus | 1 |
Accommodation Bus | 0 |
Food Srv/Drinking Places Bus | 1 |
Other Srv excl Pub Admin Bus | 17 |
Auto Repair/Maintenance Bus | 4 |
Public Administration Bus | 5 |
Source: ESRI, 2024-09-13
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